Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation are extremely important for the success of any venture. On this basis, by knowing the status of the project, appropriate changes can be made over time.

Pilot Phase

The supervisors and Asha group promoters, as well as, group organisers from both Aurangabad and Yavatmal districts were being trained. The Google Forms tool was used to understand the status of the training. The Google Forms tool was also employed to understand the status of the training of the Anganwadi and Asha workers that was being undertaken at the beat level.

Monthly reports were filed every month to know the status of the home visits, the parents’ meets, and the parents’ assemblies. In addition, the mothers’ meets, the home visits, and the parents’ meets were visited regularly and in- person observations were made to understand the status of the co- ordination between the Anganwadi and Asha workers and the parents’ involvement. A detailed discussion was also undertaken with the Child Development Project Officer and Supervisor every month on what was happening and what more could be done.

The Scale- up Phase

Supportive Supervision

Self- Assessment

Anganwadi / Asha Activist

A self-assessment list was carefully designed for conducting self-assessment. The Anganwadi workers and Asha workers, with the help of this list, ask themselves questions such as ‘Have I incorporated all the points in the list while conducting the Home Visit or during the Parents’ Meet?’ Asking such questions helps them to introspect about how they can improve and work better during the next parents’ meet or a home visit.


Using the self-assessment list, the supervisors can carry out a self- evaluation after conducting the training. On this basis, they can introspect about what improvements are expected to be made during the next training.

The Evaluation list

A Base line Survey

Before starting the project, a base line survey is conducted to find out the present status of child care. In these surveys, two analyses are made- qualitative and consequential.

A Mid line Survey

A mid line survey is conducted to find out what impact the project has had on the community and what needs to be done next.

An End line Survey

An end line survey is conducted to find out the changes in the community at the conclusion of the project.