Early Learning
- The child’s development begins right from conception.
- If the caregiver play and communicate with the child as early as possible, the child will have the opportunity to gain new experiences. And all these experiences will stimulate the child development.
- The child’s brain grows very rapidly during the first three years. It is very important to give stimulation and motivation to the child during this time.
- Each child’s growth and developmental capacity is different and the participation of the parents is very important so that the child should reach her/his optimum potential.
- How the child is cared for in the initial days also affects the growth and development of the child. The experience the child gains from the caregiver during the first few years influences the kind of person the child will grow up to be.
- Receiving love, affection and a sense of belonging from the family is very important for the development of the child. This contributes to the child’s growth and development and makes the child mentally strong.
- Children acquire the skills they need later in life at a very young age.
- Child can see and hear immediately after birth. Child need the opportunity to use eyes and ears. For the development, the child need to move around, touch and play with others.
- ‘Play and communication Activities’ are very important for the child development. Parents can use easily available household objects for it.
- All family members should be actively involved in the ‘play and communication’ activities with the child.
The education and upbringing of young children has long been an integral part of every human society. The first two years of a child’s life are spent in self- identification. Most children begin to understand the difference between themselves and others from the age of two. Understanding this difference is an important factor in a child’s life. From this, the parents come to be seen as the child’s first teachers and become an integral part of the child’s learning process. Early childhood development during the period of 0- 3 years may have an effect on the child’s education. If the child’s relationship with his/her parents remains strong, he/she can expand their world and adapt quickly to their surroundings.
The child, whose parents constantly interact and respond, are more likely to learn faster. Child learns their favorite subjects quickly if taught in an interesting way. The learning tools that she/he will use in these early learning years will benefit the child throughout life. Freedom and opportunity should be given to each child. Encouraging can improve the child’s curiosity, attention, concentration, memory, and nervous system development. In addition, such motivated child reach developmental stages faster.
Research has shown that the brain of a newborn baby develops 700 to 800 synapses every second. These sensory messages make their way to the brain. The more synapses that are formed, the smarter the child becomes.
Right from birth, child want loving touch, to be cuddled, caressed, and responded to. These are some of the child’s most important needs. When the caregiver holds the child, carries him/ her, laughs, kisses, and caresses him/ her, all that touch makes the child feel safe and promotes the child’s development.
Young children need constant appreciation and encouragement. One should start talking to the baby from the time of conception and respond to them once they are born. One should communicate with the child by smiling, mimicking voices and gestures.
Play is extremely important in the development of children. The caregiver can help the child develop many new skills by introducing him/ her to different age appropriate play activities.
Play and Communication Activities
Hi new parents, welcome to this page. You all must be having a great fun playing and communicating with your child. In the same way that playing with child promotes child development, it also strengthens the child caregiver bond. It is the responsibility of every parent to know whether the play and communication activity should be age appropriate. Age appropriate play and communication activities are critical for child development.
If the play activity is easier for the child:
It can lead to excessive pride in child. The feeling that ‘This is so easy, I can do it so easily’ may be generated in his/her mind.
Child do not enjoy playing such simple activities.
Child also lose all interest in playing such activities .
If the play activity is difficult for the child:
The feeling that ‘I cannot do this’ develops in her/his mind. It makes her/him feel inferior.
It may lead to the development of an inferiority complex in the child.
Child may feel afraid playing such activities.
In order to avoid these potential dangers, the child should do age – appropriate play and communication activities. Taking this idea into consideration, this page provides apt information about age – appropriate activities. The page also provides information about the child development through each activity. This page will definitely help you to utilize easily available household items to play with child and will also show you how it can help and contribute to your child development.